Laino D. 2002. Reflexiones Psicosociales a partir del Pensamiento de J. Habermas. Cinta moebio 15: 389-399


Psychosocial Thoughts from J. Habermas

Dora Laino ( Licenciada en Psicología, Directora del Programa de Postgrado en Clínica del Aprendizaje, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


A life colonization is produced due to systemic demands that as a sign of the present-day life invades it with its logical functioning throwing moral and ethical values out either in private life or in public opinion. It is also important to point out a great increase of many pathologies in private as well as public life due to certain economic and burocratic characteristics in society. The lack of common sense leads, on the other hand, to many problems of behaviour affecting private life and public opinion. This lack is a relevant condition for the harm of cognoscent condition based in philosophical and religious aspects involving at the same time a social breaking-up. This is due to a great disintegration of some social controlling aspects turning them to other burocratic and commercial traits of the system in which the intersubjective communication spontaneously arises from a real subjective sense and freedom of speech. This process is at the same time replaced by other unilateral and cognitive forms, being the latter a transference of a subjective expression lying in the relationship subject – agent and in their own original identification. This intersubjective action where the participants are involved adopt certain positions one each other , and it is reproduced in their inner structure. That high subjectivity which involves a close self interaction through complex relationships with other subjects, assumes a change in the global structure of this process. Since a subject can take a certain way of action (i.e. the same way of action) it must have an intersubjective value at least for the two subjects. This means that one of them is acting as the supporting part as well as to guarantee the continuity of this action which implicates that the two parts are deeply involved in a compromise that this corresponding action will be taken. The continuity of these actions are lost when these agents, as identification models, depart from the corresponding norms or value. This responsibility is found in some corrupted leaders with a transgressive behaviour making great damages that go beyond the economic aspects.

Key words: social integration, life colonization, utilitarian life style, credibility, sistemic inducted pathology.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X