Díaz V; Calzadilla A. y López H. 2005. Una Aproximación al Concepto de Hecho Científico. Cinta moebio 22: 100-111


The Concept of Scientific Fact

Victor Patricio Díaz Narváez (victordiaz@uach.cl). Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Austral de Chile
Aracelis Calzadilla Nuñez. Médico Cirujano. Municipalidad de Coquimbo (Chile)
Hector López Salinas. Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas. Instituto Superior Politécnico José A. Echeverría (Cuba)


To analyze the concept about scientific fact was the purpose of this work. This concept is a principal element to scientific hypothesis formulation. The properties and characteristics of this must observance were enumerated. Moreover, the concept studied of this work was compared with another analysis about some concept realized by other epistemologist and philosophic sciences. This concept is transversal for all patterns natural sciences and the properties and characteristics must observance.

Key words: scientific fact, scientific method, epistemology, philosophy of science

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X