Karam T. 2005. Una Introducción al Estudio de la Epistemología de la Comunicación desde la obra de Manuel Martín Serrano. Cinta moebio 24: 253-264


An Introduction to Communication Epistemology through the work of Manuel Martin Serrano

Tanius Karam (tanius@yahoo.com). Dr. Ciencias de la Información. Academia de Comunicación y Cultura. Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.


This work is an introduction is presented to the study of the epistemology of the communication in Martin Serrano's proposal. This author's work is good to present a new characterization of the theory and communication's epistemology as well as the possibility to found a science of the communication. Three aspects are shown of Martin Serrano's work: firstly, questions about epistemological encounter of the sciences through the communication knowledge, some features of their theory of the communication and their social theory, as well as the description of the models that he studies of the communication phenomena.

Key words: epistemology, communication models, communication theory, communication science.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X