Rey, A. y Canales, I. 2007. Discurso Epistémico para una Ciencia de la Motricidad. Cinta moebio 28: 104-123


Epistemic Discourse for a Motor Behaviour Science

Dra. Ana Rey ( Departamento de Didácticas Especiales Universidad de Vigo (Vigo, España)
Dra. Inma Canales ( Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte de Pontevedra Universidad de Vigo (Vigo, España)


This article develops and defends motor human behaviour as the material object of study in the scientific scope which we are dealing with. Another question that this article exposes is the difference between profession and science. Profession is confined to five scopes of intervention and each one of then has different denomination. We suggest a new nomination for the degree in accordance with motor behaviour knowledge and its expressive manifestations. This degree is not exclusive no exhaustive around motor behaviour, because its formal object links with the projective sense.

Key words: motor behaviour, scientific knowledge, professional scope, systemic approach, multidiscipline.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X