Farías, F. 2009. La Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales en la Formación por Competencias del Pregrado. Cinta moebio 34: 58-66


Social science epistemology in graduate competency-based training

Mg. Fernando Farías (ffarias@ubiobio.cl) Escuela Trabajo Social, Universidad del Bío-Bío (Concepción, Chile)


The article discusses the role of epistemology in the training and professional skills of social scientists in the new context of higher education, which appears to force the idea of a competency-based training, through which its required an articulation of the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal elements. The need for epistemological training is to be understood as a process beyond itself, as a unit of learning that generates ways of thinking, such as analytical thinking, synthetical, critical, among others, as well as procedures used for the practice, and finally, in the area of attitudinal competencies, it is possible to recognize an epistemology of pluralism and tolerance characteristic of contemporary societies.

Keywords: professional skills, higher education, competency-based training, pluralism

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X