Retamozo, M. 2009. Las Demandas Sociales y el Estudio de los Movimientos Sociales. Cinta moebio 35: 110-127


Social Demands and the study of Social Movements

Dr. Martín Retamozo ( Centro de Investigaciones Socio-Históricas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


The concern of social sciences for mobilization and protests processes has resulted in the conformation of a peculiar field on social movements. Nevertheless, in spite of theoretical interest and intense methodological debate in reference to qualitative techniques, it is possible to say that discussion of these movements still remains open. In this perspective, according to Ernesto Laclau, this article suggests to identify social demands or the study of the conformation of social movements as political actors that dispute the social order. This implies a theoretical discussion but also an epistemological debate on the demands for the study of these movements.

Keywords: social movements, social demands, antagonism, protest, Laclau.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X