Mascareño A. 2009. Medios Simbólicamente Generalizados y el Problema de la Emergencia. Cinta moebio 36: 174-197


Generalized Symbolic Media and the Emergency Problem

Dr. Aldo Mascareño ( Departamento de Sociología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago, Chile)


The theory of generalized symbolic media is a central element of the contemporary sociological theory. Its transversality can be observed in different conceptual models of a diverse epistemological background, as the cases of Parsons, Habermas, Luhmann and Derrida prove it. The paper unfolds the hypothesis that the theorization of symbolic media attains this horizontality in contemporary sociology because it is in best position to explain the social as an emergent order, that is, as an autonomous order whose properties cannot be reduced to the operations of inferior levels.

Keywords: symbolically generalized media, complexity, emergence, expectations, motivation.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X