Andrade, L. 2010. Revisitando el Oficio de Sociólogo: Notas sobre el Habitus de Investigador Social. Cinta moebio 39: 153-169 Revisiting the Craft of Sociology: Notes about Social Researchers Habitus Dr. Larry Andrade( Andina, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Bariloche, Argentina) Abstract This article analyses the impact of research training on the methodological decisions in the social sciences. Based on Bourdieu contributions, the main aim of the article is to think about the conditions in which the social researcher habitus is built. One of the central questions that organises the document is how methodological conceptions guiding research are influenced by the training received by researchers. Keywords: habitus, methodology, social sciences, research, training. |
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Cinta de Moebio Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 0717-554X |