Cinta de Moebio: Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales

Alvarado, M. (2016) Apuntes sobre el neobarroco: de teorías y metalenguas. Cinta moebio 57: 330-343. doi: 10.4067/S0717-554X2016000300008


Notes on the neo-baroque: of theories and metalanguage

Miguel Alvarado-Borgoño ( Facultad de Educación y Vicerrectoría Académica, Universidad Central de Chile (Santiago, Chile) ORCID: 0000-0002-1563-4108


This article addresses the notion of Latin American baroque, linking its aesthetic and interpretive dimension with the cognitive, to develop a located epistemology in Latin America, consistent with its tradition and cultural history. This exercise requires a transdisciplinary effort, therefore this article takes the form of notes, in the context of a broader research program focusing on the contribution of the sociologist Pedro Morandé and writers Pablo Rokha and José Lezama Lima, in a transdisciplinary perspective that assumes theories of knowledge grounded in the identification of Baroque and Latin American appropriations as core of our cultural substrate and therefore epicenter of reflection on identity; developing emerging forms of writing grounded in a metalanguage that appeals to the neo-baroque as a foundation.

Key words: neobaroque, sociocultural theory, Latin America, scientific metalanguage, transdiscipline.


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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X