Pájaro D. 2002. La Formulación de Hipótesis. Cinta moebio 15: 373-388


Hypothesis Formulation

David Pájaro Huertas (dpajaroh@colpos.colpos.mx) Investigador de la sección de Génesis, Morfología y Clasificación de Suelos. IRENAT-CP. Montecillo, México.


The formulation of a hypothesis is the way or the requirements that will be completed to proceed to edit it and then to have the one enunciated well-known as hypothesis; that which is different to the hypothesis concept. That is to say, we will speak of the hypothesis like an enunciated and later on as a concept based on the questions how it is formulated and for what reason it serves.

Key words: hypothesis, formulation, requirements

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X