Castellanos R. 2003. Aproximación Teórico-Episte-Metodológica sobre el Desarrollo del Ser como Personalidad. Cinta moebio 16: 44-49


Theoretical-Episte-Methodologic Approach on the Development of the Being as Personality

Rebeca Castellanos Gómez ( Msc.. Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana (UNEG). Venezuela


The consideration of the development of the being like personality is seen in this article on the base of the unit of the theoretician, epistemology and the methodological, offered as the contribution to the production of scientific knowledge, in the Superior Education, on the category of personality. The boarding is made through the identification of "articulator node" between the theory of complexity sustained by Edgar Morin, the Historic-Cultural Approach of Vigostky and Qualitative Epistemology thesis maintained by Fernando Gonzalez. On the previous ideas are given off for a methodological approach that allows to know the development of the being in his complexity.

Key words: personality, education, method, being.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X