Palacios J. 2003. La Identidad de la Antropología. Cinta moebio 16: 57-63


Anthropology identity

José Palacios Ramírez ( Universidad de Jaén (España)


This work is a reflection intent that starting from the problematic interrelationship of the main ones and theoretical and ethical dilemmas of the anthropology, it seeks, in the first place to offer a general vision of the anthropological panorama, from a particular key centered in the epistemological construction of the discipline; it stops going by the ethical and political implications of the social sciences later on and in short of the anthropology, to rehearse a brief proposal, once passing the post-modern storm, and seen the turn neo-positivism that seems to have taken the academic panorama.

Key words: anthropology, ethics, theory, politics.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X