Hidalgo A. 2003. Hacia una Economía Política Global Postmoderna. Cinta moebio 17: 132-147


Towards a Postmodern Global Political Economy

Antonio Luis Hidalgo Capitán (alhc@uhu.es) Doctor en Filosofía. Universidad de Huelva (España)


This work seeks to contribute to the construction of a Postmodern Global Political Economy, applying to the study of the world economy a renovated version of the systemic analysis whose characteristics are picked up in a synthetic way. The main contribution of this work consists on the application from the postmodern concept of autopoiesis to the interpretation of the operation and the evolution of the world economy.

Key words: Global political economy, world economy, system, autopoiesis, postmodernity.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X