Massé C. 2003. Del Método Trascendental Kantiano a la Dialéctica de la Razón de Hegel. Cinta moebio 17: 64-76 From Kant's Transcendental Method to the Hegel's Dialectic of Reason Dr. Carlos E. Massé Narváez ( El Colegio Mexiquense, A. C. (México) Abstract Kant and Hegel, applauded the coming of the reason with the Illuminism, and soon after they structure it their own gnoseology. For it the gnoseology of Kant and Hegel, or said otherwise, the transcendental reason and the dialectical one, they are constituted in cosmovisions that allow to explain as much the nature as the society. As it is known, these cognitive propositions, they have transcended the history until the present; it is manifested it in most of the academic studies in general, which are remitted from one or another way to those origins. The modification of those cosmovisions to sustain the specific knowledge of the social, had its matter process in each one of the connoted heirs of those conceptions. Key words: Kant, Hegel, transcendental reason, dialectical. |
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Cinta de Moebio Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 0717-554X |