Toledo U. 2004. ¿Una Epistemología del Trabajo Social?. Cinta moebio 21: 200-214


An Epistemology of Social Work?

Ulises Toledo Nickels. Prorrector Universidad San Sebastián (Chile)


In the last decades, it has been argued extensively about the possibilities and merits of Social Work to apply at the recognition of its disciplinary character, which -in mind of his defenders- it would overcame the technological and ideological arguments. At the same time, it has been in play his definition as professional career of strict college rank. Both aspirations have been articulated around a renewed interest to give a relevant place to the scientific knowledge of its work, adding actions of systematization, research and theory building. In this thematic spectra, occur the argument about the pertinence of a regional epistemology to Social Work.

Key words: social work, discipline, social technology, practice.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X