González G. y González M. 2005. La Justicia Procedimental Imperfecta de John Rawls, en la Conciencia Jurídica Material de Alf Ross. Cinta moebio 23: 145-161


The Imperfect Procedural Justice of John Rawls in the Jurisdictional Function of Alf Ross

Gabriela González-Gómez (gabriela@pormexico.com) Maestra en Derecho por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
María De Lourdes González-Chávez. Doctora en Derecho por la UAEM. Coordinadora de Doctorado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.


The unfinished imperfect procedural justice raised by John Rawls can be projected towards the theory of the jurisdictional function of Alf Ross, if we took in consideration the judge as an institution and citizen when he applies the law in the population that judges. The theory of the justice of the North American philosopher Rawls only considers the judge as representative of a social institution as it is it the Judicial Power, but we maintain that he must also apply to himself as citizen the principles of justice when exerts its jurisdictional function like institution, because from one more a wider perspective, the theory of the jurisdictional function developed by the Scandinavian jurist Alf Ross indicates that the failures emitted by a judge not only contain the law, but that takes implicit their own personality, showing its social importance.

Key words: judge, justice, jurisdictional function, judicial power, law.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X