Hidalgo, A. 2007. La Autorregulación de una Economía Territorial. Cinta moebio 29: 179-193 Territorial Economy Self-Regulation Dr. Antonio Hidalgo (alhc@uhu.es) Universidad de Huelva (Huelva, España) Abstract In the different territorial levels (local, national, global...) in the domain of economic phenomena, we can distinguish different types of economic systems (local, national, global...). In this essay, we have tried to give a scientific answer to the question what is a territorial economy, through the proposal of mechanisms that in its operation create all phenomena involved in the question. We have adopted an inactive perspective and we have taken as a main methodological framework autopoiesis theory, applied to social systems, alongside some proposals from evolutive institutionalism. Our conclusions are that a territorial economy, as a territorial economic system, is a social system that (a) emerge spontaneously when the conditions are given, product, nonetheless, of human will, (b) have the characteristic of self regulation, because of the existence of institutions and continual decisions of many agents that have as a reference a specific ideology and (c) its evolution depends of the ability that have such self regulatory mechanisms to neutralise disturbances coming from outside o inside, without loosing identity, although in that, sometimes, it is necessary an ideological change. Key words: territorial economy, social system, evolutive institutionalism, ideology. |
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Cinta de Moebio Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 0717-554X |