Rezende, M. 2007. A análise de Antônio Cândido. Cinta moebio 29: 194-210 Antonio Candido: The role of ideas and thoughts in the social change generation process in Brazil Dra. María José de Rezende ( Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Paraná, Brasil) Abstract In a general sense, this article will demonstrate how Antonio Candido’s reflections attribute a fundamental role to the ideas and several forms of thought (literary, social, political) in the generation process of changes. Not only the former but also the latter ones have a great potential in the detection process of favorable or unfavorable conditions so that social changes happen, which may be superficial and/or substantive. More specifically, the Romanticism and the Modernism will be presented as two movements of ideas that had far-reaching repercussion on the production of criticisms to social, economical and political conditions based on exclusion, as well as intellectuals’ engagement proposals in the transfiguration process of the Brazilian society. It will also be analyzed Antonio Candido’s reflections on the role of some intellectuals in support of the abolitionism, the republic and the democracy. Key words: social change, democracy, romanticism, modernism. |
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Cinta de Moebio Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 0717-554X |