Ojeda, A. y Sifuentes, M. 2014. Correspondencia entre la postura onto-epistemológica y teleológica del investigador y su método de investigación en el patrimonio. Cinta moebio 51: 156-170


Correspondence between researcher onto-epistemological and teleological approach and his method of research in heritage

Dra. Alejandra Ojeda (aojedasampson@gmail.com) Universidad Latina de México (Guanajuato, México)

Dr. Marco Sifuentes (rgbrulio@yahoo.com.mx) Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (Aguascalientes, México)


The aim is to show that study objects that address social problems (whether architectural, cultural or heritage, among others, but with emphasis on the subjectivity, perception, and the habitat of actors), should be analysed with a consistent method to it complexity, i.e. critical dialectical, because it not only explains the problem, but transforms the current conditions with the intention of enhancing its constituent elements. The first section shows the onto-epistemological and teleological assumptions of the study object, the second the explanation of an epistemic matrix that displays the location of the problem, thus establishing the right process for its approach.

Keywords: dialectical, critical, appropriation, identity, totality, heritage.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X