Osorio F. 2002. Propuesta para una Antropología de los Mass Media. Cinta moebio 13: 115-125


Proposal for a Mass Media Anthropology

Francisco Osorio (fosorio@uchile.cl). Departamento de Antropología. Universidad de Chile


The object of study of mass media anthropology is the system of transmission of culture through mass media. Mass media anthropology is a field within the discipline dealing with the relationship beteween the mass media and culture. The specific point of this relationship is how culture is transmitted through the mass media. From an anthropological point of view, mass media nowadays is the mechanism through which culture diffuses. People know their particular way of being by exposition to television, as the principal mass media. This contemporary phenomena is the subject matter of mass media anthropology.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X