Sautu R. et. al. 2002. La Integración de Métodos Cualitativos y Cuantitativos para el Estudio de las Experiencias de Corrupción. Cinta moebio 13: 153-178


Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods to the Study of Corruption Experiences

R. Sautu, B. Freidin, M. G. D’Onofrio, M. P. Otero, P. Boniolo, L. Brom, O. Ciaravino, P. Dalle, R. Elbert, F. Fabio, G. Foa, J. Loza, V. Maidana, M. Moguillansky, M. A. Otamendi, I. Perugorría y M. Weibel. Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


The central purpose of this work is to compare the analytic possibilities that offer the quantitative and qualitative methodological strategies for the study of the corruption, just as this it is perceived and interpreted by the middle class of Buenos Aires. The data come from the pre-tests of a survey and interviews in depth carried out during the years 2000 and 2001. The quantitative focus allowed to analyze the level of tolerance–or perhaps resignation - of people toward corrupt considered practices and the categorization that he/she makes of them according to his/her perception of levels of corruption. The qualitative strategy, on the other hand, centered on the different approaches used by people to define the corruption. Also, it approached the types of spontaneously noted situations as corrupt, distinguishing those in which the public sphere is involved of those in which it is not, and differentiating the opinions supported in its personal experience of those formed starting from the elaboration of the information transmitted by the mass media.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X