Scribano, A. y De Sena, A. 2009. Construcción de Conocimiento en Latinoamérica: Algunas reflexiones desde la auto-etnografía como estrategia de investigación. Cinta moebio 34: 1-15


Knowledge construction in Latin America: The auto-ethnography as research strategy

Dr. Adrián Scribano ( Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Córdoba, Argentina)
Lic. Angélica De Sena ( de Estudios de Metodología, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The aim of this article is to discuss some epistemic challenges for social research in Latin America since the consideration of the usefulness of auto-ethnography as a methodological strategy. The argumentative strategy selected to achieve the objective is: a) outline some of the discussions on the place of the researcher in social sciences in the literature of the late twentieth century, b) indicates the main characteristics of the auto-ethnography, c) outlines an experience of using auto-ethnographies in research, and finally, d) discuss some conclusions and challenges that can be extracted.

Keywords: auto-ethnography, subjectivity, experiences, Latin America, methodology

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X