Giraldo G. 2004. Hacia una Epistemología Evolucionista. Cinta moebio 20: 101-125


Towards an Evolutionist Epistemology

Gladys Giraldo Montoya. Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Filósofa (Universidad de Caldas, Colombia); Investigadora del Centro Pensamiento Sin Fronteras de Manizales (Colombia)


The evolutionary theory of the knowledge reunites its facts of several independent sources: first of the Biological investigation of the conduct, Second, they constitute the systematic conditions of the evolution. Third it is continuum of the evolution, that comes in support of the thesis that as I reach to see Erwin Schorodinger includes all the evolution of the organisms; According to Piaget, continuous in the development of the boy, for Lorenz, in the conduct of the adults, and in Chomsky, the previous conditions of the language and with Otto Koenig, in the phenomenon of the transmission of the cultural models. Fourth it is the continuous ones of the knowledge process that lays the foundations the unit. It has been then, that the fundamental budgets of the reason have their own phylogenies; it has demonstrated to K. Lorenz in the Psychogenesis process and Popper to it in the processes of formation of theories and with the development of same sciences.

Key words: critical rationalism, evolving rationalism, progress and development in science, isomorphisms epistemologic, cybernetics.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X