Oviedo D. 2004. Alcances Epistemológico-Políticos para la Pedagogía y el Desarrollo. Cinta moebio 20: 137-151 Political - Epistemological Assessments to Education and Development David Oviedo Silva. Magíster en Investigación Social y Desarrollo. Académico Departamento de Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Concepción (Chile) Abstract The bases of the study are the results of a research that characterizes the projections that secondary Chilean teachers sustain about their students’ future career. The empirical interest on career’s projections is justified because it allows observing the link Education-Development considering the restrictions that are imposed by the pedagogical activity itself. Processes of development can be inferred from this signal. The research also informs about the pedagogical action sense, understanding that the focus of the teaching effort is the student and his capacity of future gains, so, the factors associated to these projections suggests clues about the question: what is the purpose of my teaching work? In this logic, the relationship between education and development appears as definable possibility since the pedagogical activity expectations and sense, farther away of some corrects teaching proceeds, farther away of economical and political processes out of teaching action control. In this logic, the link education-development is definable from the expectations and sense of the pedagogical activity regardless "appropriate" teaching methods and economical and political processes out of teaching action control. Finally, it states a reflection proposition coherent with the research results, so that the contents about teaching purposes (critical factor in the career projections profile) can be introduced as epistemological and professional discussion in the area of pedagogical concerns. Key words: career projections, pedagogical purposes, development. |
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Cinta de Moebio Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 0717-554X |